Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
03-03-2025 04-03-2025 05-03-2025 06-03-2025 07-03-2025 08-03-2025
09-03-2025 10-03-2025 11-03-2025 12-03-2025 13-03-2025
תענית אסתר
שושן פורים
17-03-2025 18-03-2025 19-03-2025 20-03-2025 21-03-2025
23-03-2025 24-03-2025 25-03-2025 26-03-2025 27-03-2025 28-03-2025 29-03-2025
30-03-2025 31-03-2025 01-04-2025 02-04-2025 03-04-2025 04-04-2025 05-04-2025
06-04-2025 07-04-2025 08-04-2025 09-04-2025

14-04-2025 15-04-2025 16-04-2025 17-04-2025 18-04-2025
שביעי של פסח

20-04-2025 21-04-2025 22-04-2025 23-04-2025 24-04-2025
יום הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה
25-04-2025 26-04-2025
27-04-2025 28-04-2025
  • * Family Trail
  • ** Average Trail
  • + Difficuly Ascent
  • *** Experienced hikers
  • Wheelchair and Electric Mobility Scooter Accessible
  • Registered days are colored in
  • Wait list days are colors in


Walkers pay a nominal registration fee for Encounters on the Israel Trail. Some of the logistics, supplies and services are provided by volunteers, yet the Organizers still falls quite short of the total funding required to cover all the costs involved in this major project. The organizers believe that any contribution from each participant will defray a portion of the cost of the project. The best time to contribute is during the morning registration. Of course, larger contributions will certainly be welcomed. To donate securely online, please click Donate.

Daily Walking Information

The walk begins daily between 6:30 to 7:00AM (please check the Daily Trail Schedule), and generally ends between 4:00 to 5:00PM. On Fridays, the walk ends at least 3 hours before Shabbat. For pre-registered walkers, the Trail Organizers provide security staff, medics, water refills, return transportation (for drivers only) to their vehicle, and transport of any heavy personal equipment. Walkers are responsible for travel to and from the daily starting point, for their own water and food and other personal supplies, and for their own insurance. For those not part of the Shvil Camping Group, participants are responsible for finding their own accommodation if they wish to remain in the area for additional walking days. Each day begins with a short gathering, describing the plan for the day and dedicating it to the memory of specific people (during the online registration process). participants are encouraged to dedicate a day in remembrance of their loved ones who have fallen. After reviewing specific information for that day, the walk always begins with Tefilat Haderech, The Traveler’s Prayer. An hour a day is set aside for learning and discussion in small, mixed groups. This encourages a wider circle of acquaintance, and allows free and lively discussion within the group. Often these discussions continue as the daily walk progresses. The discussion focuses on subjects that are of current relevance to Israeli society.

At the end of each day, the participants will gather to meet a speaker with unique insight into an interesting topic, one that is relevant to Israel society. At times the walkers will meet various communities/social action groups. During the 2020 Walk there will be a few events (singalongs, dances, etc.) to which residents of those areas will be invited.

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